Bills of Interest

Homestead Tax Exemptions These bills would place a constitutional amendment on the ballot with the purpose of extending the current homestead exemption to also apply to school district levies.

Reparations This proposes a constitutional amendment to the State Constitution to prohibit the state, a county, a municipality or any other political subdivision from paying reparations to an individual who is a descendant of an enslaved individual who lived in the United States before December 6, 1865

Artificial Intelligence Several bills have been filed that address artificial intelligence. They include efforts to address potential defamation of people using AI in media, use of the technology in political advertising and the creation of a state council that would look at potential legislative reforms.

Immunization Exemptions These bills would authorize persons to claim an exemption from any immunization requirement if a vaccine that meets specified criteria is not available.

Silver and Gold These provisions would allow Floridians to use gold or silver in both physical and electronic form as money rather than just as mere investment vehicles.

Work Requirements For Minors A minor aged 16 or 17 may be employed on any scaffolding roof, superstructure, or residential or nonresidential building construction if he or she has earned his or her Occupational Safety and Health Administration 10 certification.