Legislative Update

As of this writing, Governor Ron DeSantis has signed into law 85 bills passed by the Legislature this session.  Another 60 have been received, but have not been acted upon.  

Bills Signed by Governor DeSantis

Here are some highlights of the bills signed to date:

ABORTION The Governor has signed a bill into law that bans most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. Exceptions include rape, incest or human trafficking. In these instances, abortions may be performed up to 15 weeks of pregnancy. The six-week limit would take effect if the Florida Supreme Court reverses a previous ruling that a privacy clause in the State Constitution protects abortion rights.

IMMIGRATION PART ONE A sweeping immigration bill was signed that expands requirements for businesses with more than 25 staffers to use E-Verify, a federal system that determines if employees can legally work in the U.S. Employing undocumented immigrants would face hefty penalties. People who knowingly bring migrants into the State would be subject to prosecution as a felon. Hospitals will be required to collect immigration status from patients.

IMMIGRATION PART TWO The state budget includes $12 million for the Governor’s unauthorized alien transport program, which allows Florida to remove immigrants from other states and fly them anywhere in the country.

DEATH PENALTY PART ONE This bill eliminates a requirement for unanimous jury recommendations before judges can impose death sentences. The bill lowered the threshold on a recommendation to 8 of 12 jurors.

DEATH PENALTY PART TWO The Governor also approved another bill allowing death sentences for people who rape children under age 12. This was approved even though the U.S. Supreme Court ruled such a law is unconstitutional. The Governor is seeking a review by the now conservative U.S. Supreme Court.