Legal Updates

CITY FORECLOSURE COSTS The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that cities have the right to sue banks over lost revenue from foreclosed homes that were the result of alleged discriminatory lending practices.  While this is considered a victory for cities, the Court also ordered lower courts to determine what types of damages cities may seek Read more about Legal Updates[…]

Issues of Interest

ZIKA UPDATE As of August 30th, there were 682 cases of the Zika virus in Florida, 78 related to pregnant women. Governor Scott asked the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to activate an emergency response team to assist the Florida Department of Health and other partners in their investigation, sample collection, and mosquito control efforts.  An unprecedented Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Legal Updates

LETHAL INJECTION APPROVED  The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a capital punishment case that a sedative administered prior to the injection of lethal drugs was constitutionally sound and could be used in such cases.  In response to the ruling, the Florida Supreme Court lifted its stay of executions as its protocol was nearly identical to Read more about Legal Updates[…]