Issues of Interest

MEDICAID PROGRAM BID Eleven companies responded to the Agency for Healthcare Administration’s invitation to negotiate (ITN) for Medicaid services by the October 24th due date. Aetna Better Health of Florida, AmeriHealthCaritas of Florida, Florida Community Care, Humana Medical Plan, Molina Healthcare of Florida, Simply Healthcare Plans, South Florida Community Care Network d/b/a Community Care Plan, Sunshine Health and United Healthcare of Florida submitted responses for the reprocurement of the multi-year Medicaid managed care program. Additionally, Sentara Care Alliance (formerly Optima Health) and ImagineCare, a provider service network and joint venture between CareSource and Spark Pediatrics, responded to the ITN. AHCA will negotiate with vendors in the new year.

FLU VACCINE RATES According to the Centers for Disease Control, vaccine levels for children six months to 17 years in Florida are at 22 percent. The national average is 56 percent. Florida is among the seven states with the highest flu rate so far this this season.

WORKERS’ COMPENSATION RATE DROP The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation approved a 15.1 percent statewide decrease in overall worker’s compensation insurance for 2024. The decrease applies to both new and renewal policies.

SEMINIOLE COUNTY CLASH Nearly a year after a judge ordered the development firm of former Seminole County state lawmaker Chris Dorworth to reimburse the County for legal expenses, he has failed to do so. Dorworth claims his River Cross development company has next to nothing in its accounts and that he is not on the hook for the $432,000 owed after a failed lawsuit.

ORLANDO PUBLIC ART Bloomberg Philanthropies announced that the City of Orlando is one of eight recipients nationwide to be awarded a one million dollar grant to support temporary public art projects. Orlando will utilize the funding to implement its art installation project entitled, “Art Pollination: Building Food Justice Through Creativity,” as a way to engage artists and farmers to raise awareness about how to access healthy food and reduce food insecurity.